... so I have come back. Apologies to my readers, all two of you or none of you probably by now, but have been distracted by various things, notably work, and Christmas, and generally being a bit lazy and insecure about posting anything I have written up on the world wide web.
But new year, new start, and one of my many and varied resolutions is to 'write more', so back to the blogface it is.
One of the things I have been mentally blogging about is Twilight. I went to see the film on Tuesday, having read the book in about two train journeys, and then crowbarring myself away from the follow-up in order to delve into Mr Obama's The Audacity of Hope. The books are addictive in the same way a giant tin of Christmas biscuits is: you know you should stop at one or two, and you know they're bad for you, but somehow you can't stop...
The film was overdramatic and silly (witness Edward's look of nausea, including hand clamped over mouth, when he first meets Bella), but as well as being unintentionally funny, is also witty in its own right, and if lacking the tension, violence and gore a horror fan might expect, compellingly unfurls the relationship between E&B. And the lush, rain-soaked and yet forbidding landscape is austerely beautiful.
Plus it produced in me the uncomfortable feeling of being 17, or rather looking back at myself at 17; the gawkiness, the thrilling highs and devastating lows of believing you are in love with someone at that age, the cliques and rituals of school - even the boredom of school. I can't remember the last time I read a book, or saw a film, which included homework and chemistry lessons.
And although Mr Pattinson isn't quite the handsome dangerous vampire of my imagination (ahem), I found his hexagonal pale little face and bulky adolescence affecting and believable. And Bella less irritating than she could have been. But then, I'm just jealous